Saturday, June 30, 2012

A radical new idea

I have a radical new idea that will allow us all to see premium video content on demand for FREE! This is basically a Netflix type service, but it will have entire catalogs from all major studios and TV shows. This platform will have NO commercials in the traditional sense. Studios will release new movies at the same time as DVD releases (DVD's will be gone when this thing takes off). Compatibility with all major streaming devices (Tivo, Roku, etc). All live programming will be also be streamed via the platform.

Of course all content will be available on a browser. Eventually regular TV as we know it will be eliminated. Live shows will all be streamed and archived for later viewing. It will eliminate all regular programming from regular OTA/Cable TV and put it into this on demand platform. We will be able to use all that OTA spectrum for something else (like insane wireless broadband).

Commercials will be on demand inside shows. Let's say you have a women wearing a purse. A small star will show on the bottom left of the screen which will indicate there is an offer of some kind that relates to what you are currently watching. If people who are watching like that purse, they can pause the show and it will have an offer for that purse. People can find out more info if they want by clicking on the icons. The platform will have a few traditional commercials that are targeted perfectly. You will need to share some demographic info. The advertiser will market to their niche audience VS the masses. A content provider can only provide a few spots for targeted commercials only if they have achieved a certain amount of popularity. It's like a reward system for whomever generates the best content. This platform will be smart enough to realize that I watched a commercial in the past and it will not show me the same commercials 20x.

This entire platform should be written in OPEN SOURCE, so all developers who care can make it better. An app store will allow other developers to create apps that interact with the content using an API that is very powerful. This app store will allow users to pay developers directly (NO MIDDLEMEN).

This entire platform should be FREE for ANY content provider to use. When a content provider adds a show to the system que and sets their ad rate, advertisers can start adding their products (within certain frames of the show) and pay for that spot DIRECTLY TO THE CONTENT PROVIDER. Advertisers will only be charged per view, so the show demand will dictate revenue earned for the content provider. All participating advertisers pay X to the video streaming platforms that are participating partners. All advertisers should pay into a pool for any additional costs that might occur in a system like this.

Because the content provider is able to get instant distribution for nothing and because they get paid from the advertisers directly, there should be no need for middlemen and it should cost the end user NOTHING to watch. Content providers can start seeing revenue from very old movies that people will start watching again. By eliminating middlemen you will realize new profits. Any commercial entity that tries to create a platform like this will get beaten out by a well organized open source project that can provide the same service for free.

I know this is all very radical, but it would change everything when it came to watching the old tube. Imagine content, app developers, advertisers, millions of watchers all working together without middlemen. It's possible folks!

To get all this started a new open source project should be started with all this in mind. Once it's built we will see content providers put up a few shows, advertisers will come in and pay. People will start watching, advertisers will be happy they are targeting the right people. Content providers will be happy they are getting directly paid over and over because the show will always be on demand. Users will be happy they are getting quality programming on demand for free. App developers are getting paid for their apps directly from the audience. This project has so many legs that I have not even thought of.

I am getting excited just typing this stuff. Let me know what you think, I would love your feedback.